
Change Locale of Web 2.0 Browser

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  • #260537 Reply



    how to change the locale of the web 2.0 Browser. The default is set to US and i need the DE locale. I cannot understand, why this browser did not use the system locale!



    #260551 Reply


    Currently the Web 2.0 Browser only supports the en_US locale for internal messages. However the browser should have no problems displaying DE charsets or web pages that are using DE locale. The only thing that would change by setting the Web 2.0 Browser in the DE locale would be the Status messages and the dialog prompts.

    That being said we are working on a completely I18N enabled version of MyEclipse and we will be offering Language packs in the near future. At that time, the Web2.0 Browser will be fully localized.

    #260612 Reply


    Hi Grag,

    the problem is, that my application get the locale from the browser, so if it is EN than every thing in the application is not useable for the moment (date fields has other formats, double values also, and so on). So if i want to debug my application why i have the myeclipseide, i cannot do this, because i cannot reach the point in the application i want to debugg.

    So the textmessages is not important.



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