
Change to default .JSF Template

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  • #230324 Reply

    I have a need to use a .jsf temple of my own design. can you tell me the steps or point to a tututorial that will help me create one?

    #230340 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There are currently no mechanisms that support user-created templates unfortunately for new files. However you can edit the existing templates by navigating to your:
    <myeclipse dir>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_3.8.4\Templates

    directory and editing the respective template file.

    #230360 Reply

    Thanks, works like a charm. Do you know if this will change in the next release? I would like to distribute four different templates to my team.

    #230375 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Unfortunately no, user-defined templates have not been a high priority for us (based on user demand). We would *like* to add them (just from a programmers stand point) but business concerns drag our attention elsewhere right now (RAD tools, designers, etc.).

    #232063 Reply


    I don’t mind having to edit a default template instead of adding new ones, but when we upgrade to the next version is it going to overwrite our changes? Just so I know – then I can back it up!


    #232102 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Each tiem you install a new version of MyEclipse it is isntalled into a new directory, the Templates are stored in the plugins folder, so it won’t overwrite your old ones, but you may need to copy them from the old install (JUST the templates) into the new install.

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