
Changing EJBs within exploded ear

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  • #281957 Reply


    We are deploying an exploded ear file into MyEclipse Blue so that we can take advantage of “hot swap/deployment”. However, it appears that the EJB jars contained in our exploded ear directory are themselves not exploded.

    What do we have to do to legerage hot deployment for classes contained in our EJB jar files? For example, if we change an implementation of such a class without changing any interfaces, what must we do to have that change take effect? Do we have to redeploy the entire ear file?

    Ralph Harnden

    #281958 Reply


    BTW, we are using WAS 6.1.

    If we change a class contained in an ejb jar that is contained in a deployed exploded ear, then when WAS subsequently accesses that class, we see java.lang.VerifyError for that class.
    If we bounce WAS, we no longer see java.lang.VerifyError, but also do not see the changes we made to the class.

    We can only concluded from this that hot swap does not yet work for classes contained in an ejb jar that is contained in an exploded ear deployment.
    Is this correct? Is our only workaround to go through time-consuming redeployment when we change a class in an ejb jar?

    Ralph Harnden

    #281979 Reply


    Hello Ralph,

    In our release notes for Blue M1 we mentioned that M1 currently doesn’t support “hot-sync” deployment for EJB modules. So we are aware of this problem and this issue is targeted to be fixed for the next Blue release.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, we are working to rectify this for our next version.

    #281991 Reply


    Thanks, and please accept my apology for missing that in the release notes.

    Go Blue!!!!

    #283099 Reply


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