
Chat Does not support ABAP class with ‘_underscore_’

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  • #701884 Reply


    Dear experts,

    When I ask Copilot to explain a unit test of my ABAP class, it always format the class name to Italic:

    lcl_execute_set_on_create –> lclexecutesetoncreate

    Besides, it seems it does not recognize the context neither from open editors nor included files.

    I’m sorry, but without the actual code or additional context about the project, it’s impossible for me to provide a detailed explanation of these classes.

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    #701892 Reply


    Thanks for sharing this info.

    A couple of questions:

    1) What is the name of the file and it’s extension in the editor screenshot?

    2) Can you look at your Eclipse ErrorLog View for an entry titled: “Workspace labels: “? Please share the details of this entry if you can locate it. See the screenshot of my example below.

    I’m thinking that our project labeling/tagging utility could use some smarter detection rules.

    Copilot4Eclipse Team

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