Hey Frank,
“Check Access” should be available once you are logged in with a personal license account.
In order to use the personal license, you can follow one of these steps –
A. If you have a valid Genuitec account and you have purchased the personal license using this account, you can login to CodeMix with the same account as follows –
1. Click Help >CodeMix >Update License>Register>Already have an account
2. Provide UserName and Password same as the Genuitec account.
3. Click Login.
Please refer the video here: https://gyazo.com/5566447c0121941a70f294db97d1a919
4. You will be logged in to CodeMix and “Check Access” should be visible in CodeMix Access dialog.
Please refer the screenshot here: https://gyazo.com/efb9d6ea6ff38fab9c1d62a3b8b660e4Ple
B. In case you have not registered before, you can do so as follows –
1. Click Help >CodeMix >Update License>Register
2. Provide UserName , Email and Password.
3. Click Login.
4. You will be logged in to CodeMix and “Check Access” should be visible in CodeMix Access dialog.