
CI9 pre search box issues

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  • #543164 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    There is new search box replacing the classic search box with an intent to improve usability.

    Yet there are some issues that break existing usability.

    – It does not bring focus back to search input field on CTRL+F in editor when box is already visible
    – I didn’t find a way to invoke replace from keyboard and the buttons are way small for friction-less mouse interaction (and also can not be navigated by TAB


    – Not movable (unlike classic search)
    – Alters editor selection when one types search string or just focuses input boxes
    – There is no selected lines mode (I know CTRL+F again brings old box but what is the point)
    – The replace field is not visible by default, I’m not sure it is a good decision

    #543196 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    The issue with the focus is very disturbing, by habit one presses CTRL+F and suddenly types into the code instead the search box.

    #543197 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We’re going through all the detailed feedback you have provided, thank you.

    I would like to mention that there was another pre-release on Friday, if you check for updates again (Help > Webclipse > Check for Updates), you should get a new release which fixes the re-focus issue with the inline search.

    You can check the version you have at by looking at the BuildId on Window > Preferences > Webclipse, the one for the latest build is

    I will respond in more detail to your other comments shortly.

    #543239 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Hi, seems that the release wasn’t published yet, http://www.genuitec.com/updates/webclipse/prerelease/webclipse.json still points to

    #543351 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Apologies for the confusion, due to some technical issues, the PR I referenced is not easily accessible. We’re working on putting a new PR out and I’ll let you know when available.

    Thanks to the notes you have already provided so far, we’re making some changes to the functionality due in CI 9 already.

    1) Can you clarify what you mean by “selected lines mode”?
    2) You can press tab to bring up the replace section, and there are hotkeys for replace one Ctrl + Shift + 1 and replace all Ctrl + Alt + Enter – we will be taking an extended look at the Tab behavior for the rest of the fields.

    #543354 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We do know what “selected lines” mode is – I missed the connection; we’ll look into this.

    #543661 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    You can press tab to bring up the replace section, and there are hotkeys for replace one Ctrl + Shift + 1 and replace all Ctrl + Alt + Enter – we will be taking an extended look at the

    Thanks, tab is working.

    Shortcuts for replace seem not the best ones, why not use the same as in Eclipse classic e.g. Alt+A. On my system Ctrl+Shit+1 is already bound so it is not working and there seems no possibility to change bindings for new search (or is it there?). Generic key bindings is another issue that is desirable to integrate.

    In classical Eclipse, Case/Whole/Regular can also be selected with shortcut ALT+*, in new search it seems not possible (or are there other secret shortcuts?).

    In any case I still miss the buttons because frequently you change say, case with the mouse (and in new search it seems the only option) and then proceed to the button, not always it is handy with shortcut.

    I think saved space is not worth it, for my opinion it was better to make a bit larger accessible buttons including case/whole, replace, put on them hints with shortcut for clarity and if it obscures too much then may be partially transparent background.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Fedor Losev.
    #543876 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Just wanted to give you a quick update. We’ve made changes to how the keybindings work, as well as added the “selected lines” ability – all this is coming in the final 2017 CI 9 release. See the attached image for a short preview of the how the “selected lines” feature works.

    We’ll be continuing to update this feature, so do keep your insightful feedback coming, it’s highly appreciated.

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    #543918 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We just put out a pre-release with a number of inline search enhancements that we’ve made based on your feedback. The enhanced startup dialog also has the ability to open the workspace folder in the system explorer.

    I have confirmed, this time, that the webclipse.json on the PR stream has been correctly updated – if you are already on the PR stream, use Help > Webclipse > Check for Updates to pick up the update.

    Do give it a spin and let us know what you think, we’re looking forward to your feedback.


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