
classpath error in JSP

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  • #337898 Reply

    Lockheed Martin

    I am following the JSF tutorial http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/jsf/.

    After I added <f:loadBundle basename=”com.example.MessageBundle.properties” var=”bundle” /> The JSP validator reports an error “resource bundle cannot be found on classpath”.

    How do I correct this error?

    MyEclipse version:
    Version: 10.7.1
    Build id: 10.7.1-20130201


    #337935 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. I could not replicate the issue at my end.
    1. Can you please make sure the references to the file are correct?
    2. Switch to a new workspace and see if you could replicate the issue there ?

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #337950 Reply

    Lockheed Martin

    The error doesn’t happen in a brand-new workspace.

    The odd thing is, after the test, I switched back to the original workspace where the problem occurred. Now, it is not doing validation at all, even I intentionally enter a wrong file name.

    I guess at this point, it seems to be a corrupted workspace issue.

    #338016 Reply



    Please work with a new workspace and I have filed a PR for the dev team to check on the validation issue.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    #338027 Reply

    Lockheed Martin

    Originally I have MyEclipse installed as a 64-bit application. After I re-install MyEclipse to setup a 32-bit application environment. I had to use the MyEclipse Visual JSP Designer (not the “improved” JSF Designer) to follow the tutorial.

    After all is said and done (as far as I could tell), I run the application on the MyEclipse Tomcat but is getting “userLogin.faces not available” error. I posted this problem in a new “topic”:


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