
Classpath for ANT taskdef

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  • #225348 Reply



    I am trying to define new taskdef. How do I set the classpath for ant. I went through documentation. I added my jars in following way.
    Window > Preferences. – Ant – Runtime – classpath – add jar

    But still MyEclipse coplines , classes required for the task are not in classpath.
    Specifically I am trying to define ejbdoclet task and added xdcolet.jar,xdoclet-ejb-module.jar in classpath.


    #225353 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is this a custom Ant file you wrote, or the generated XDoclet one from MyEclipse?

    #225357 Reply


    It is my custom ant file. I created ejbdoclet task in ant file and trying to excute that task from ME.

    #225358 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This Ant functionality is provided by the base Eclipse install, however from my limited knowledge of it, you are doing everything as you should (with the classpath and such). Let me ask someone else and see if they can help.

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    #225372 Reply


    Right click your custom ant file and select Run > Ant Build …. This will bring up a dialog where you can modify the classpath settings for running the ant build. Also have you looked at a xdoclet-build.xml file generated by MyEclipse? You could copy some of the classpath entries in that file that are related to the xdoclet libraries.

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