
classpath setting of weblogic in myeclipse

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  • #231031 Reply

    Hello techies,
    Iam using weblogic 7.0,
    myeclipse 3.8.4,
    mysql 4.1.
    Iam using the jdbc driver mysql-connector-java-3.1.8a

    i had placed mysql-connector-java-3.1.8a zip file in path of weblogic server in myeclipse.

    It is having
    I had placed the zip file in
    windows>preferences>MyEclipse>Application server>weblogic>paths>prepend to classpath

    It is showing the following error in server
    Activate application _appsdir_databaseweblogic_war on myserver( Running )
    Activate application _appsdir_databaseweblogic_war on myserver( Completed )
    class not foundcom.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    If i had placed the jar files in appendclasspath then the follwoing error is occuring.

    ctivate application _appsdir_databaseweblogic_war on myserver( Completed )
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: –> NonRegisteringDriver.java:261 com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(“jdbc:mysql://localhost”, {user=root, password=sanjay123})
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: –> NonRegisteringDriver.java:339 com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.parseURL(“jdbc:mysql://localhost”, {user=root, password=sanjay123})
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: –> StringUtils.java:722 com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(“jdbc:mysql://localhost”, “jdbc:mysql://”)
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: –> StringUtils.java:738 com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(“jdbc:mysql://localhost”, 0, “jdbc:mysql://”)
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: <– StringUtils.java:738 com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(..) returning true
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: <– StringUtils.java:722 com.mysql.jdbc.StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(..) returning true
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: <– NonRegisteringDriver.java:339 com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.parseURL(..) returning null
    Tue Jun 14 18:15:09 IST 2005 TRACE: <– NonRegisteringDriver.java:261 com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(..) returning null
    No suitable driver

    Then what is the suitable driver for weblogic??
    can anybody suggests i will be very thankfull to him.



    #231049 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a duplicate post of this post:

    Again, we still don’t have a suggestion for you. Try googling for it, this is a WebLogic/MySQL interaction issue, not MyEclipse related.

    #231070 Reply


    I think Weblogic has a driver for the mysql server.. Start the weblogic server go to the administration console and make a datasource in the server for mysql database and use that.. I dont think then you would need to code something in your application which is database specific,

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