
Click start server, click stop server

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  • #210937 Reply


    It would save countless mouse clicks if when the user clicks the left side of the Run/Stop Servers drop-down button, the default (or most recently used) server would be started (shut down), rather than requiring us to click the button, click the server, click Start (stop).

    #210939 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Absolutely agree with you here. We are looking at the 3.9 release for some spit and polish in this area. We got so swamped with new features in 3.8 that we need to do a ‘polish’ release afterwards. There has been a lot of comments about the launching architecture and now with webtools out I think we can do an audit of potential approaches to this. I know this topic has been discussed a lot internally and we will make a move on it, but when we do it will likely be a major overhaul instead of many minor tweaks. So we might need to suffer with the “tons-o-clicks” approach for another release, but then we will get at it.

    Also if you are using Tomcat, as an easier workaround, ifyou keep the manager open in another browser window, you can restart your context from there instead of starting/stopping the app server as I know it gets maddening waiting for it all the time.

    I hope that helps to tide you over (I’m not sure if JBoss offers something similar, it might…)

    #213153 Reply


    What do you think about a Restart option ?

    #213227 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    tarpoon I’ll pass it by the team

    #213491 Reply

    Nabil Suleiman

    while you are at it, can the same thing be done for the DB Explorer “Connect” button ? maybe a prefernce setting for the “default” database connectio that when you click the connect button it connects to that DB connection, click again and it disconnects. Just an idea.

    #213494 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think Jeff has this on his TODO list, I’ll ask.

    #213496 Reply

    Nabil Suleiman


    #213518 Reply


    Nope, but I can certainly add the enhancement request to bugzilla. I do not like that little widget at all – something should be done! However, you are aware that you can right-click on the connection profile itself and select connect/disconnect? This is about as easy.

    More than likely, a pref would not work well (what do you set it to when there are no connections defined?). But maybe just a simple connect button – active only if a connection profile is selected?

    #213519 Reply

    Nabil Suleiman

    jeff, your idea sounds cool.

    basically, whatever you think would be cool or better than what it is now (click and nothing happens) anything at all, it’s up to your creativity 😉

    #213551 Reply

    Perosnally what I would prefer is to simply double click on the connection name in the db navigator for it to open a new connection. I would also prefer if it simply opened it without showing me the dialog everytime. Also, possibly you could provide two context menu actions “Open” which uses the defaults to open it, and “Open…” which brings up the dialog. Another approach is to do the open and if it fails bring up the dialog along with the error message.


    #213559 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Joel, good suggestions and use of “smart defaults”… I’ll pass it along to Jeff.

    #213686 Reply


    Joel –

    I like the idea of two open actions, one to do it directly (or bring up dialog on failure), and another to bring up the dialog. Originally, the profile would open a connection on double-click but we got feedback that this was too troublesome and violates tree look-n-feel (double click should actually expand the tree, which does not happen either, but users complained that opening the connection was completely unexpected).

    #215476 Reply

    A view or toolbar that replicates what this simple plugin does would work for me:

    What this graphic does not show is that if you have a web context selected, you can simply go over to this plugin’s view and hit the ‘restart’ button, which is superior than a ‘restart server’ button which obviously takes much longer on any system I have used.

    I am sure that the module could be extended or modified to interact with other web interfaces like WebLogic’s. I use Tomcat for development so this actual module suits me fine.


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