
Client for EJB on JBoss

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  • #226906 Reply

    I’m very new to MyEclipse and JBoss.

    When I’ve deployed some EJBs with Sun’s Deployment Tool, it is possible to automatically generate a jar file with the client-stumb classes, used to develop a client for the EJBs.

    How does this work with MyEclipse and JBoss?

    Please excuse this newbie question.

    Thanks in advance.


    #226919 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This would most likely be supported via XDoclet (http://xdoclet.sf.net) if it was supported. Please check the doclets on that page under EJB and see if what you are looking for is there.

    Also please check out EJB tutorial here: http://www.laliluna.de/tutorial/simpleEJB/xDoclet_jboss_first_EJB.html

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