
[Close] Export/Import working diagrams

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  • #260472 Reply

    I am in a situation where I move between my office and my home. I’d like to be able to transfer my work between computers. Right now, I am trying to reverse engineer a hefty project. So here’s the question:

    How do I export/import diagrams so I don’t lose my work as I move between work locations?

    I need more than just export a diagram as an image as I would obviously continue to refine my diagrams.

    #260505 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    How do I export/import diagrams so I don’t lose my work as I move between work locations?

    You can simply share the UMR file. Alternatively you can export/import the XMI file, but that is only your domain model, not your diagram. You will need to recreate the diagrams by dragging and dropping your classes from your Class view outline back onto the diagram.

    XMI is a format that only describes models that the UML tool community agrees on, no one has come up with a standard for the actual diagram (visual part) itself yet that everyone agrees on.

    #260543 Reply

    Thank you. Importing the UMR file worked like a champ!

    #260571 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad to hear it.

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