
[Closed] All open file content menu

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  • #259144 Reply


    Not a show stopper, unsure where else to put this. In prior versions of ME/Eclipse I remember being able to click on the drop down menu of open files (show list, top right) in my workspace, then right-click on one of those open files to bring up a context menu – and from this I could close that file or do something else.

    This no longer works, and it hasn’t since my last install/upgrade. Not a big issue, but it was a convenient feature being able to close files w/o having to open them in the editor again.

    Linux (Ubuntu Dapper)
    JVM 1.5.08,
    ME 5.0.1
    Eclipse Version: 3.2.0
    Build id: M20060629-1905
    Fresh install on both Eclipse/ME



    #259160 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I tried to replicate this on my Windows XP install of 5.0.1. I opened about 10 files and then at the right end of the tabs for the editors is a ‘>>n’ indicator with ‘n’ being the number of file tabs that can’t be shown. Clicking on it lists all the files open, and right-clicking on one of those file names shows a context menu with only one item: ‘Close’. So, from my tests the capability is still there. But, I’m not testing on Ubuntu either. In either case, that functionality is a base Eclipse SDK feature, not a MyEclipse feature, so you might try installing just Eclipse 3.2 to see if the feature exists in a “simple install” or not.

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