- This topic has 30 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 10 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantHi,
For some reason, except for resin (2&3) and tomcat (4&5), every new application server that I have enabled are not kept in my launch menu after a restart (even though the configuration itself is perfectly saved)
Note that none of my configuration files in eclipse is write-protected.Because a picture is worth a thousand words…. imagine what a movie can do! 😉
http://olivier.jaquemet.free.fr/myeclipse-bug-report/Windows XP SP2
Eclipse 3.1.1
MyEclipse 4.1.1
Riyad KallaMemberI think that’s the best bug report I’ve ever seen…
Very strange issue. Can you try restarting using the -clean command line argument and see if that helps? As someone who works in support I have to have all those app servers installed and ready to test and I haven’t seen this issue before, so I’m hoping it’s gremlins or something easily fixable.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantI did as you said:
– added “-clean” to my launch shortcut, (it took longer than normal to launch, so it was correctly used)
– reconfigure the appserver so they appear in the menu
– restarted (without -clean)
I still have the same bug.
I’ll add that no exceptions is logged in the eclipse log file.Of course, if needed:
I don’t mind installing a patch or anything that could be used to detect the culprit.
I can send you some config files if you have an internal checker that would validate MyEclipse configuration files.
Riyad KallaMemberLet’s try this:
1) Download Eclipse 3.1.2 SDK from Eclipse.org site (please redownload even if you have it already)
2) Same goes for our 4.1.1 installer from our site3) Unzip Eclipse to a new dir, don’t reuse the old one.
4) Install MyEclipse to a new dir, not an existing one, and point it at the new Eclipse dir from #35) Edit your eclipse.ini file in the Eclipse dir and add -clean to the first line (adding these extra ones for performance is optional: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10087.html)
6) Start it up, selecting your existing workspace. If they disappear again, try loading it up again, but on the ones that keep disappearing, try hitting Restore Defaults to clear them out, then hit OK then restart with -clean, THEN go back in and reconfigure them (sorry for the trouble)
Also your workspace isn’t on a network share or USB drive or anything like that is it?
Olivier JaquemetParticipantI did everything you said… as it took me really too much time I was hoping it would solve the problem… it did not…
Here is all i did, and my new configuration:
* Clean install of j2sdk1.4.2_11
– in new location, with old jdk removed
* Clean install of eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-win32
– in new location, with old eclipse moved in another folder… just in case
* Clean install of ME-4.1.1GA_E3.1ManualInstall
– in new location, with old myeclipse moved in another folder… just in case
– added in eclipse, while in a new empty workspace, through Help/Software Updates/Manage Configuration/ Add Extension Location…)
* Started my workspace with -clean (and the memory parameter, though I had already modified them in another way)
=> no enabled server visible in launch menu
* removed -clean in ini
* Click restore default, apply, restart eclipse, reconfigure the app server
=> app server visible
* restart eclipse
=> no enabled server visible in launch menuand I don’t have my workspace on a network or usb drive.
pleeasse help…
Olivier JaquemetParticipantI also tried the following thing in order to make sure it’s not a file writing problem:
$> attrib -R -A -S -H /S /D C:\workspace
Olivier JaquemetParticipantOh, and I have three workspaces in which I work, two of them having this problem and the third apparently working (but of course, I rarely work the third one and often on the two others)
Riyad KallaMemberYou said you configured your startup command line arguments in another way, can you paste them here for me to see?
Olivier JaquemetParticipantThis is the content of my old eclipse.ini file:
-showlocation -vmargs -Xms256m -Xmx512m
This is the content of my new eclipse.ini file:
-showlocation -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
This is the target of my 3 shortcuts used to start eclipse:
C:\Java\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data "C:\JaliosDeveloppements\workspace" C:\Java\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data "C:\JaliosDeveloppements\workspace50" C:\Java\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data "C:\JaliosDeveloppements\workspace411"
The last one being the one that works.
Riyad KallaMemberLet’s try one last thing:
1) cretae a new workspace (either by using -data to point to a non-existent dir or by using File > Switch Workspace)
2) After Eclipse has restarted, go to MyEclipse Application Server settings and reconfigure *all* your connectors (I’m sorry I know this is a pain in the ass). I think that was Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic and WebSphere wasn’t it?
3) Now restart, using that new workspace, are they still there?If they are, then there is omething wrong with those other two wrkspaces. It would be impossible for me to tell what, but by using File > Export/Import you can pull your projects and settings from the old workspace into the new one within a matter of minutes.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantOf course, as expected, and as I already knew it, in a new workspace everything work as expected.
In the export/import choice, I cannot find anything that would allow me to completely export my old workspace to a new one. There are preferences, which only export some setting but nothing that would export all my projects, which build configuration are quite complicated.
Because of that, I would appreciate if you could try to find what can cause MyEclipse not to display those enabled server (remember that the enabled setting is correctly kept upon restart!). Maybe you can just have a look at the code and just see what other conditions are needed in order to have them properly displayed in the launch menu!? please… I don’t want to spend all my time reconfiguring all those projects just because there is somewhere in my workspace a configuration file with a tiny line saying display=false!…
Olivier JaquemetParticipantRiyad,
anything new from your developers?
Riyad KallaMemberMy appologies I never saw your reply on the 14th. You will likely need to recreate new workspaces and export all your settings from one, import them and your projects into another (new) one. I’m sorry for the trouble but luckily it’s not that much manual labor.
In the export/import choice, I cannot find anything that would allow me to completely export my old workspace to a new one. There are preferences, which only export some setting but nothing that would export all my projects, which build configuration are quite complicated.
Actually you want to export Preferences. Go into new workspace and import them. Then go to File > Import > Existing Project and pull in your projects.
Because of that, I would appreciate if you could try to find what can cause MyEclipse not to display those enabled server (remember that the enabled setting is correctly kept upon restart!). Maybe you can just have a look at the code and just see what other conditions are needed in order to have them properly displayed in the launch menu!? please… I don’t want to spend all my time reconfiguring all those projects just because there is somewhere in my workspace a configuration file with a tiny line saying display=false!…
I did ask a developer to look into this Friday and he found nothing out of the ordinary. I went back to some old workspaces I had lying around on a backup disk that I used for testing and none of them exhibited this behavior. So without a reproducable test case like “Create new workspace, do this and that, see problem” I cannot allocate any more developer time on this.
I’m really sorry about not being more helpful. I would point out that you do not need to reconfigure everything in a new workspace, it’s just an issue of exporting/importing the old into the new.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantRiyad,
I didn’t know this procedure of export/import for preferences and projects.
So I did as you said, and it’s indeed very fast to do, thanks!But guess what…
It’s still not working!!!I’m quite puzzled…
Is there a way we can track the problem to its root?
Would it be useful for you to have my preferences file in order to try to reproduce the problem?
Riyad KallaMemberSure send me along your preference export: support@genuitec.com ATTN Riyad, and include a link to this thread. This is driving me nuts.