
[Closed] Bug generating hibernate from database

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  • #253064 Reply


    A big problem when I generate Hibernate Mapping files form a exist database with Myeclipse.
    my Eclipse’s version is 3.1 and MyEclipse version is 4.1.1
    when i choose the Hebernate 3.0
    i generate mapping files from a exist database with the MyEclipse tools ,i just can’t generate files into my choosen packge, any way the generated files were generated in the default packge.
    but when i choose the Hebernate 2.1,it’s OK when i generate Mapping files to my choosen packge.
    so is it a bug or my action is wrong , how can i deal with it??
    any reply will be appreciation.

    #253065 Reply

    Haris Peco


    Please, try next :

    – make java project with separate source and binary folder
    – add MyEclipse hibernate 3 capabilities
    – make connection profile and call ‘Hibernate mapping’ wizard
    – show to source dir of java projects (Java src folder in Page 1 of wizard)
    – type your package name (Java package in Page 1 of wizard)
    – add other properties in wizard for your mappings
    – call finish wizard

    It have to be generate to specified source folder and specified package


    #253069 Reply


    i think i get it

    the point is that , when type the Class Name of the database table, i didn’t type like this com.babatu.hibernate.User
    i just typed User, so it generated classes to the default packge.

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