
[Closed] Building packaged .ear – strange slowdown

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  • #241292 Reply



    Eclipse: 3.1.1 MyEclipse 4.0.3 A
    OS: WinXP Pro SP2

    I am having a very strange problem I have never seen before with MyEclipse. I have an Enterprise Project with 2 dependent .war projects associated with it. I have 2 deployments set up, one exploded, one packaged. I am using JRun 4 as my app server.

    The automated, exploded build works perfectly. No issues. The packaged deployment goes like this: I see it run through all of the files like lightning (heavy disk activity as expected) and then it stops, with the name of the last war project listed in the dialog and it sits for like 10 minutes or so, gently hitting the hard drive, using 100% CPU. I checked the target directory, the .ear has not been created yet (or at least it isn’t in the directory yet). The CPU is pegged at 100% and the disk is being hit, but it is not fast access. Much slower like every second or 2. The .ear is eventually created and all goes back to normal. The progress dialog goes away with no issues.

    Anyone see anything like this? I have reinstalled eclipse and myeclipse once already, I have cleaned the projects and deleted the target .ear. All to no avail..

    Oh, I am a little low on RAM (512mb). More should be arriving on Monday (another 512mb). Even so, this does not feel like a ram issue. I am still below full memory use in Task Manager.

    Thanks, Ed

    #241312 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm, what command line arguments are you using to start Eclipse? Also check your log file (workspace dir\.metadata\.log) near the bottom, look for OutOfMemoryExceptions. Additionally, is your workspace on a network drive by chance? Is the delpoyment directory on a network drive?

    #241342 Reply



    Thank you for the tip on the log file. I did look there and fixed an unrelated issue regarding jsp validation. My JDK/bin directory was not on the system “Path”. I had like a billion error messages in there. Maybe you all can find some way of letting the user know (besides perusing logs) that the jsp validator can’t find javac.

    Anyway, my problem was totally unrelated. I turned out that I totally munged my java setup when I installed an old version of the Oracle Client 8i CD. It puts it’s own outdated jvm onto the system and totally hoses everything! Not fun.

    All is well now.

    Thanks again, Ed

    #241346 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Maybe you all can find some way of letting the user know (besides perusing logs) that the jsp validator can’t find javac.

    You are absolutely right, this needs to be done in a better fashion.

    Anyway, my problem was totally unrelated. I turned out that I totally munged my java setup when I installed an old version of the Oracle Client 8i CD. It puts it’s own outdated jvm onto the system and totally hoses everything! Not fun.

    Ahh very sneaky, sounds like what JBuilder install does as well.

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