
[Closed] configuring java editor view and code folding

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  • #262743 Reply


    I can’t figure out how or why this happened, but last week when I have a java file open in ME 5.0, if I click on a method or property in the ‘Outline’ tab, the editor shows ONLY the code in that method (hides the rest). It used to just go to the method I clicked. This is really irritating because I can’t view all the code in the class unless I explicitly click the class in the Outline tab.

    RE: code folding, I installed coffee bytes code folding and it worked great for a while, and now it won’t work at all. Neither will Default Java Folding.

    These two things happened at the same time, and I can’t figure out what configuration settings might be responsible.

    Any insights about this will be greatly appreciated.


    #262771 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    This is really irritating because I can’t view all the code in the class unless I explicitly click the class in the Outline tab.

    When you’re editing a JAVA file, on the eclipse toolbar, you should see button called “Show Source of Selected Elements Only” (it’s usually next to the Highlight button “Toggle Mark Occurrences”). If you turn that off, this problem should go away.

    What problem do you have with the code folding? You could try uninstalling Coffee Bytes and see if the folding preferences that are part of eclipse work, and then try Coffee Bytes again, this should help isolate the issue.

    #262936 Reply


    Thank you Brian … Duh I guess I inadvertanly toggled the “Show Source of… ” accidently, not even knowing what it was for.

    RE: Coffee bytes. When I remove the com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.6 folder from the features folder (can’t see a ref to cb in the plugins dir) and restart eclipse the default folding works. When I put it back and try to turn on cb folding I get:
    Error notifying a preference change listener. Check the log for details

    Thanks again.


    #262962 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Glad to hear the outline issue is resolved. On the coffee bytes issue, since you only see the problem when you have coffee bytes installed, perhaps you should try downloading a newer version of CB if available or take it up with the CB developers.

    All the best.

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