
[Closed] DB Browser won’t show ‘TABLE’s

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  • #242270 Reply


    MyEclipse DB Browser won’t show ‘TABLE’ objects from a Oracle 10g database schema. I logged in as the schema owner. owner of the tables that exist the schema is also the same user.

    When I use sqlplus I see the tables without any problem.


    Version: 4.0.100 M1
    Build id: 20051103-4.1-Milestone1

    Oracle Thin Driver … 10g

    Is this a known MyEclipse DB Browser bug?

    #242276 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    There is no known issue with our DB Browser not being able to browse an Oracle DB.

    Could you give me more context? Are you able to connect to your database and see a list of schema with nodes under them – but when you try to expand the node named TABLE, nothing shows up? Or you can’t connect to the DB in the first place?

    Could you paste relevant errors from your error log here and also details of the db driver you are using? More info here: Posting Guidelines


    #242279 Reply


    More details for two different cases:

    Tables that need be accessed exist under schema X, i.e. X is the owner of these tables.

    1. When login as X:
    I can connect to the DB without any problem
    I see schema names and object types under them (e.g. SEQUENCE, PACKAGE, JAVA_SOURCE), but not TABLE.
    However when I do select * from X.table_namex I get results.

    2. When I login as Y (user that has enough priviledge on these database objects):

    I can connect to he DB without any problem.
    I see schema names (including X) and object types under them (e.g. SEQUENCE, PACKAGE, JAVA_SOURCE), AND TABLE.
    When I expand TABLE node, I don’t see any tables underneath it.
    However when I do select * from X.table_namex; I am told that table or view doesn’t exist.



    #242282 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Thank you for that information.

    Can you create a new profile using the same driver – on the second page, did you choose “Display all schemas”?

    Also, I asked earlier for your DB driver details (make sure you arent’ using the debug version) and any errors in your log – without this we can’t really go on.


    #242313 Reply


    Created the and did ‘Display all schema’ and noticed that same objects are accessible through different schema (Z). That solves it for me now. Thank you for the help.

    #242347 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Glad it’s working for you now.


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