
[Closed]ER Diagram tables get bogus scroll arrows

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  • #243941 Reply

    Rafi Jacoby

    I generate an ER Diagram from my Oracle schema, and it creates the tables as the right size for the number of columns.

    However, each table now has a light gray bar with a down arrow for scrolling the table. This seems to scroll the table about 1 pixel. The scrollbar is useless, but blocks out the last column’s text when I print.

    As a workaround, I have to stretch all the auto-generated tables about 1 pixel to get rid of the scroll button.

    Please fix.

    Eclipse 3.1.1
    MyEclipse 20051025-4.0.3-GA

    #243950 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We are looking into this now.

    #243956 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Can you check the font sizes for the diagram you just created?

    1) Try Auto Layout it will resize your nodes accordingly

    2) Go to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Database Explorer > ER-Designer and reset both header and body fonts to Verdana-regular-8.

    Does that fix things for you? I understand what you’re talking about but I don’t see that problem occouring locally.


    #244004 Reply

    Rafi Jacoby

    Seems to be fixed now.

    The fonts were Tahoma (bold 10, reg 8, reg 8), which I had never touched (default?)

    With auto-layout, this is now non-repeatable.
    There was something about my cached layout that did this across the board…

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