
[Closed] EWB Installer 4.0.3 for Mac OS X will not launch

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  • #240679 Reply


    When I download the installer for EWB 4.0.3 to my Mac, the application does not launch. When I double click on it, nothing happens. It also has the default application icon rather than one for EWB (I mention this only because it may point to the problem).

    Anyone else seen this problem?

    #240701 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    No, we haven’t seen anything like it. It might be that the archive was only partially downloaded or corrupted in transit. The byte size of the installer should be 119,976,535 bytes. Can you verify that?

    #240707 Reply


    That’s the size of the file I downloaded. The other weird thing about it is that I can’t open the file with Stuffit Expander but I can open it with unzip on the command line.

    #240709 Reply


    Can you run the md5 command on the file you downloaded? Here is the valid md5 from a working copy of the 4.0.3 install file.

    MD5 (EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_4.0.3GA_E3.1.zip) = 1dbd5db3d687ada4160a3370fd26defb
    #240711 Reply

    I cannot extract using stuffit or launch the installer either on Mac OS X 10.4.

    I can unzip from terminal but the extracted installer does not launch either. No error, just does nothing.

    I ran md5 and got exactly the same result.

    Maybe it works in panther but cannot verify that as I do not have another OS X machine..

    #240713 Reply



    Sorry you are having trouble. Remember that if the installer doesn’t work you can always download the manual install package from the downloads page. Once you unstall the manual install package, it will contain installation instructions in HTML format.

    #241213 Reply


    The MD5 for my file is:

    MD5 (EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_4.0.3GA_E3.1.zip) = 1dbd5db3d687ada4160a3370fd26defb

    so it looks like that’s not the problem. Can anyone confirm that they’ve seen it work if they use the command line unzip?

    #241227 Reply


    The problem appears to be that you need to expand the archive with Stuffit Expander, and my install of Stuffit Expander was broken. I uninstalled Stuffit Expander and reinstalled it, then opened the archive that I had already downloaded and everything worked fine.

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