
[Closed] Hibernate Reverse Engineering-Spring DAO Generation

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  • #266651 Reply


    Could someone please enlighten me as to what I need to do to (re)enable the Spring DAO radio button in the DAO generation section of the “Hibernate Mapping and Application Generation” dialog.

    Its behaviour seems a little haphazard to me. Previously I created some tables and from that could generate the Spring DAOs (I have already added the ‘Spring Capabilities’) but on return to this after a day or so (to generate a DAO for a new table) the Spring radio button is disabled – only the Basic DAO and JNDI DAO are available to me, for the new table and also for the previous tables!

    I am completely stumped by this so any help with this is greatly appreciated.

    #266666 Reply

    Haris Peco

    Is it possible that you have choosen other project without Spring capabilities ?
    Other possibility is that you have broken spring capabilities – could you please send file .springBeans from your project ?


    #266672 Reply


    Thanks – it turns out that my Spring config file wasn’t known to MyEclipse!

    #269092 Reply


    the spring capabilities have been broken for one of my proj that relies on hibernate rev engg..i am facing the same problem..how do i fix this?

    #269094 Reply


    i found the way to fix this broken spring capability problem.. we need to set the applicationcontext.xml again to the myeclipse properties for this proj whihc can be accomplished by right click proj–> MyEclipse–>spring–>configfiles tab–> add the applicationContext.xml that should fix this..

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