
[Closed] Hibernate SessionFactory wizard problem

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  • #259414 Reply


    When using the session factory wizard, I am unable to select or add a new package for the class. If I try and browse, I get no options to select from, and if I select to add new, and enter the package name, it gets created, but then when it returns back to wizard, it says the package does not exists and will not allow me to continue.

    Any ideas on how to proceed.

    Thank you.

    #259438 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Do you have a nested source folder? (i.e. a source folder that is not immediately within your project’s root but inside another folder?). There is a bug in MyEclipse which prevents this from working as it should, this has been filed and will be fixed in 5.0.3.

    In the meanwhile, there are instructions for a workaround here: https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/i-can-not-create-sessionfactory/#post-259004

    I apologize for the inconvenience caused, do let us know if you still require assitance,

    #259498 Reply


    Following the work around on that thread I was able to get through it. Thanks for the help.

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