
[Closed] HTML validation not stoppable

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  • #238448 Reply



    I have a problem regarding HTML classic editor: I am editing JHTML files and the editor shows a lot of validation markers for HTML syntax. I want to turn validation off, thus I went to Project properties->MyEclipse-Validation, specified to override validation preferences and unchecked all validation options.

    Then I used “remove all validation markers” for the project, I did a clean and rebuild, I tried to close the project, restart with -clean option, reopen the project. I tried to suppress validation in main preferences page for the Environment.

    But still my document gets validated and shows a bunch of markers which are very annoying also becouse of a constant flickering.

    I have looked at other topics but haven’t found a solution for my problem

    Can you please suggest some possible solution? please find below my environment properties.



    Windows 2000 pro sp2

    Eclipse 3.1.0 I20050627-1435

    MyEclipse 4.0

    Eclipse freshly installed

    some plugins installed

    java version “1.5.0_04”

    #238469 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    You’re probably referring to the “as you type” validation markers. These can be turned off at Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Common Editor Preferences > Analyze annotations while typing.

    #238471 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You did evertyhing exactly right, but what you want to turn off is the real-time analysis while you type. Go to Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > Editors > Common Editor Preferences > “Analyze annotations while typing”, go ahead and uncheck that.

    Now close and reopen your file. YOu may need to rebuild first, but that should work.

    #238544 Reply


    They were actually “as you type” markers, and after trying the procedure suggested they disappeared.

    Thanks for the prompt response


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