
[Closed] J2EE project with jdk1.5 jsp compile error

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  • #270074 Reply


    i recently installed jdk1.5 on my machine and configured myeclipse according to that, i modify changes in

    updated tomcat’s jre to 5.0
    problem is this when i create webproject and try to run it it creates an folowing error, so far i know error is that default added .jar files are of jdk1.4.2 cuz unable to update
    preferences>Myeclipse>J2EE Project>LibrarySet
    thats why while create new project it set default jre to 1.4.2 and could not have option for jdk1.5

    help me out plz

    E:\Tomcat5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\Test\org\apache\jsp\MyJsp_jsp.java:8: cannot access java.lang.Object
    bad class file: E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_09\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class)
    class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
    public final class MyJsp_jsp extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase

    #270076 Reply

    i have also change this.

    go to ….Windows –> preferences -> myeclipse -> application servers -> tomcat5 – > jdk

    #270077 Reply

    Loyal Water

    What version of MyEclipse are you using? It seems like you are using an older version of MyEclipse. I suggest you upgrade to MyEclipse 5.1 GA. You will then get the jdk 1.5 option under Windows > Pref > Java > Complier. Here is a link to our download page:-

    #270126 Reply

    it is fixed, it was issue of tomcat, tomcat in startup.bat file it was internaly targeting jdk1.4.2, its fixed


    #270135 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Thanks for letting me know. Glad to know you fixed it.

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