
[Closed] java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user

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  • #249988 Reply

    i am using myeclipse and mysql database and hibernate in my project . my database is in server .i am accessing the data base from my client machine .. i connected data base.. but doing hibernate mapping from my db browser using eclipse , i am getting the error like (An internal error occured during : generating artifact) java.sql SqlException:Acessdenied for user(Using password: YES) . where i can make changes to get connected with database. plz answer me for quries as soon as possible..

    chnandra mohan.s

    #250020 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It looks like you have your user setup incorrectly. I’ve seen this error 100s of times with MySQL installs, it’s very particular about user permissions.

    #251795 Reply

    countryCollection is an ArryList with object of
    struts’ LabelValueBean. The value is the country
    code and label is the country name for example.
    Once the user changes the country selection, it will
    submit the change to server so that the action can
    generate the city list based on the selected county.
    Once it’s done, forward to itself. The list of city
    will be populated accordingly.

    I have 2 selections: Country and City
    I have 2 collections in session (CityList contains a
    reference to Country)
    I don’t want the user to select a City before
    selecting a Country and I want
    to display a list of Cities that relate to the
    selected Country…
    for this both country & city name should be retrived from database. in this project i am using hibernate,struts….
    plz send help me….thx in advance…

    chandra mohan.S

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