
[Closed] JSF and Tomcat 5.5

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  • #273641 Reply


    I install jdk 1.5.0_06, myEclipse 5.5.1 GA and Tomcat 5.5.23 and I have this problem:

    1 – I create a new web project with java specification java EE 5.0;
    2 – I add JSF capabilities and on package explorer i can see two library: java EE 5 library and jre system library;
    3 – I create two jsp that using jsf and configure the relative managedbean, navigation case etc…
    4 – I deploy the application on tomcat and start the server

    the result is that I receive this error:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet

    the WEB-INF\lib directory of installed application is empty.

    can you help me

    #273694 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You cannot deploy a Java EE 5 project to Tomcat 5, you have to use Tomcat 6.

    Also the reason the JSF libs aren’t deployed with a Java EE 5 project is because part of the Java EE 5 spec is to include JSF, so the app server already includes them. (e.g. Glassfish).

    #273713 Reply


    Ok tank you for support.

    #273714 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Your Welcome ..

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