
[Closed] JSF project libraries dissapear

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  • #251772 Reply


    I’ve been playing with MyEclipse for the past couple of weeks. I started with the JSFLoginDemo and have been adding to that trying to understand and get a handle on things. On Friday night everything in my project was compiling and worked fine.
    This afternoon, I started Eclipse. My open JSP had an error message saying that is could not resolve http://java.sun.com/jsf/html in the tag lib. Also, the one or two beans that I had created could no longer resolve javax.faces.model.*
    When I looked at my project, I see that the myfaces-all.jar file is in the the web-inf/lib directory, but I noticed that I also have a WEB-INF (all upper case) directory. The web-inf directory has classes, lib and the xml files in it. the WEB-INF directory is empty. Note that when I look in the workspace directory using natilus there is only a web-inf and no WEB-INF.

    I am a little confused as to how to get back to a functioning jsf application. Any help or if this is not a MyEclipse problem a direction to go for help would be appreciated.



    #251776 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It sounds like source control may have kicked this project in the face. Try and right click on the root of the project and do a refresh. Then try and restart Eclipse using the -clean command line argument, see if it’s able to make heads or tails of the project again. If not, try and export the project to an archive, then open the zip and see if infact there are two ZIP dirs.

    Do you happen to work on this project on two separate platforms like Windows and Linux, or is it just under Linux? Is the project across the network somewhere using Samba or some other network file share?

    #251810 Reply


    Thanks for the quick response. I tried a re-fresh and that didn’t work. I re-started eclipse with -clean, and then did a refresh and that didn’t work. I had created a “user library” in eclipse for all the jsf jars before I found myEclipse and started using it. So I simply went to the project and added my user library to the build path and everything compiles and works again. BTW, all the work is on Linux (unbuntu) and on a local drive.
    While things are working, it seems that I now have 2 copies of all the jar files in my deployment, one set under web-inf and another under web-inf/lib. From other reading I would think that would cause problems, but it seems to be working.



    #251815 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is very odd, if you open your project properties and go to your Java Build Path then “Source” tab, is your output dir by chance web-inf/classes or is it WEB-INF/classes?

    #251859 Reply


    Yes, the build path says WEB-INF/class. I tried changing this to web-inf and now I keep getting “Project missing required library “WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib…” and then all the common bean and myfaces libraries are listed. They are in the web-inf/lib directory according to eclipse, but there is nothing in WEB-INF.
    So, I created a new project (myeclipse web project) added the JSF libraries via the myEclipse menu, and then copied all the .java and jsp’s into the new project structure. But, I noticed as soon as I told it to add the JSF libraries, i had a lower case web-inf and an upper case WEB-INF in the eclipse hierarchy listing. Once I got through moving all the files, I get the same error as above for the “project missing required library”


    #251864 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This sounds very suspicious to me… can you go to your MyEclipse menu, click the “About MyEclipse” item then click “Configuration SUmmary” and paste the result here for me?

    #251889 Reply


    Here you go. Hopefully you will look and be able to point out something stupid that I’ve done.



    *** Date: Wed May 10 15:58:54 EDT 2006

    *** System properties:
    OS version=2.6.12-10-386
    Java version=1.5.0_05

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 4.1.1 GA
    Build id: 20060309-4.1.1-GA

    *** Eclipse details:
    Eclipse SDK

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.1
    Build id: 200509301327

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.1.2
    Build id: M20060118-1600

    Eclipse startup command=-os

    #251893 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Here you go. Hopefully you will look and be able to point out something stupid that I’ve done.

    I was hoping it was something silly, but that all looks legit. Let’s try a new workspace, go to File > Switch Workspace, enter a new workspace path and hit OK (make sure it’s a new dir). After it restarts, create a new project and add JSF caps to it… did the weird path problem happen again?

    #251894 Reply


    That seems to work, there is only a WEB-INF directory in the eclipse hierarchy. I would need to add some managed beans to see what happens.

    I also edited the .properties file on the old project and changed all the WEB-INF to web-inf and then refreshed the project and all the “missing …/WEB-INF/lib…” error message went away.

    I’m out of the office for a couple of days, but will try and do a more complete example in the new workspace on Friday to see if the different cases pop up again.

    Thanks again,


    #259060 Reply


    I have finally (5 months later) discovered the problem.
    I am running Eclipse (and MyEclipse) on Ubuntu, with the machine having the ability to dual boot into Windows XP.
    The workspace is on a fat32 drive that I created so that I could share stuff between Windows and Linux.
    The default for the shortname paramter when mounting a fat32 partition is “lower”
    This means that no matter what case you create your directory with it will be changed to lower case.
    I changed the fstab to reflect shortname=mixed and remounted the partition.
    Now when a new project is created, the WEB-INF folder is created as such, and stays that way.



    #259075 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Steve great followup. Believe it or not I did something very similar (have 3 HDs in my computer, 1 XP, 1 Ubuntu, 1 Data FAT32 drive), it only took me about 1 hour of usage of the fat drive for “common data” to notice inconsistencies and inabilities for all sorts of programs to correctly identify and use the files… so frustrating. I think the only common format that will work is NTFS now with that 3rd party NTFS driver that allows r/w on Linux. *sigh*

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