
[Closed] matisse and accents

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  • #265048 Reply



    how i can work with accents in matisse? i have this code (example):

    jMenuItem11.setText(“Pripojky ktere nevyhovuji potrebam vyuctovani nakladu”);

    but i can’t make accent above some characters. right code should be:
    jMenuItem11.setText(“Př�pojky kter� nevyhovuj� potÅ™eb�m vy�Ä�tov�n� n�kladu”);

    when i by hand edit java source code, it’s ok but any chnage to design revert back to
    characters without accents.

    any idea please?

    #265098 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    When you edit the JMenuItem’s text property in the property fields, and try and paste in the correct text does it not work?

    My suggestion to you would be to make use of a properties file. For internationalization that is the best idea.

    #265175 Reply


    try this steps (my system: win xp sp2 with actual bug fixes, eclipse 3.2.1 and myeclipseide 5.1.0 with matisse):
    1. instal non-english keyboard (for example czech or slovak)
    2. start ecplise with myeclipse ide, make new matisse form and put for example jlabel. now try switch
    keyboard with alt+shift -this is point where i can’t swith kayboard, keyboard is still english
    3. now switch from matise designer to source code edit and try swith kayboard with alt+shift -i can swith and
    make change in native language to source code -characters with accutes.

    property file isn’t solution, application is just in one language at the moment and in future still is going to be

    #265204 Reply


    I have no problem to type French or Czech accent character on my computer, and the switch keyboard shortcut is working fine.
    Are you displaying the language bar (right-click on the task bar> tool bar> language bar) ? Can you switch language using this bar ?

    #270661 Reply


    i find-out solution yet: i have to hold down atl+shift and without release of alt key just pressing shift again. then language swith correctly.

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