
[Closed] Matisse as/in Applet

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  • #270690 Reply

    Mark Sanders

    MyEclipse 5.1.1
    Windows XP
    Tomcat 5

    Still learning Java.
    I can create an Applet an run it separately and in a web page through and html page.
    I can create a Matisse form and run it as an Application.

    How do I take a Matisse form I’ve created and ‘add/use it’ to/in an Applet or ‘convert it’ to an Applet so I can use it in a web page?


    #270781 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    JApplet is the top level container for any Applet, just like JFrame/JWindow/JDialog is for any client-side application. So if you want to create a form using Matisse to use in an applet, be sure to create a JPanel, that way you can drop it into your JApplet and display it.

    #270784 Reply

    Mark Sanders

    Thank you. I will give it a try.

    #270820 Reply

    Mark Sanders

    Thanks Riyad. I got that part to work.

    #270824 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Good deal, glad it worked.

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