
[Closed] MyEclipse w/Subversion Repository

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  • #266269 Reply

    I have a question regarding using MyEclipse in place with a working copy of a Subversion repository. I am working on a project that is using Subversion for our code repository and I am trying to use a MyEclipse project to build and develop a web project. I have checked out a working copy of my Subversion repository using TortoiseSVN and I am trying to set up a MyEclipse project to use my source files directly in this working copy.

    When I do a build, the builder will compile my .java files that are located in my src folder and create .class files in my WebRoot/WEB-INF/classes folder and will also copy over some hibernate xml files (.hbm.xml) from the src folder location (which is versioned) to the classes folder location (which is not versioned). This is all good news and an expected result. However, the MyEclipse builder also seems to copy my .svn folders from the src location to the classes location which causes my TortoiseSVN to complain about .svn folders where they are not supposed to be. Is there some way to prevent a MyEclipse build from copying the .svn files to the separate build output location?


    #266313 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The best way to handle this is to use an Eclipse-based subversion plugin to handle subversion instead of Tortoise. Your choices are subclipse or subversive I believe. Then the Eclipse platform will understand those directories as “SCM metadata” and report that information to MyEclipse, which will then correctly ignore them. But since you are handling this stuff outside of Eclipse, MyEclipse just sees them as directories and doesn’t know what it should/shouldn’t ignore.

    #266362 Reply

    Thanks. I’ll try that when I get a chance. I also figured out a way to have Eclipse ignore specific files/folders from the src directories by going to Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source and listing specific files to exclude from the classpath. I admit this is kind of a kludge solution, especially since I have to list each and every instance of a .svn folder inside each of my package folders. It works, but it’s not ideal. I’ll try the plugin solution.


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