
[Closed] No Console Response When Stopping Tomcat or JBoss

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  • #260640 Reply


    Both Tomcat 5.5 and JBoss 4.0.4 start up just fine from within ME, but when I click on the red shutdown icon on the server tab, no shutdown info gets output to the console. Looks like the servers DO shut down, but the console still shows only the startup info and nothing further. Any idea where the shutdown info could be going?

    -Dennis Webb

    #260649 Reply


    Do you have opened more than one console view ?
    All console views show the startup info, but the shutdown info gets output to the active (the latest opened) console view.


    #260651 Reply


    I have only one console view open: the one MyEclipse supplies on the tab next to the servers tab in the window at the bottom center of the screen.

    #260659 Reply


    Please, look at this screenshot. The shutdown info is shown in only one console view.
    Check if you have some console view in other folder.


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    #260767 Reply


    I now see that if I first go to the server tab and select the server I want to shut down, and then click the shutdown button, ME then automatically shows me the console tab and displays the shutdown information for the server I selected. Thanks for your help.

    -Dennis Webb

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