
[Closed] No more (smart) closing of HTML tags in HTML editor

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  • #241099 Reply


    I upgraded last night (with some difficulty…) to 4.0.3 (on OS X). But there’s a feature that’s either gone in the (new?) HTML editor, or I can’t find the setting to turn it on….

    In the old release, when I typed an open angle bracket + slash (e.g. </ ), the editor would detect this as closing a tag, expand it to the “correct” nested tag, and work outwards in a nice nested form on subsequent keystrokes. E.g. if the insertion cursor was sitting after a <ul><li> pair, and I typed </, it would expand that to </li>, and if I typed </ again, it would expand to </ul>.

    This seems to be missing in the new version. Did it disappear in the editor changes? Or, am I missing a config setting somewhere?

    Hoping it didn’t disappear — code completion is kind of an expected feature in an IDE, isn’t it…?

    #241100 Reply


    The reason we changed the beahavior was because many users were reporting that the auto-closing tags did not work for their document structure. However, you can still get auto-completion of closing tags, just simply press code-assist (ctrl+space) after you have started to type the closing tag “</” and you will be presented with the auto-completion of the closing tag. So there is now one extra step to ensure the code completion is going to auto-complete the correct tag.

    #241110 Reply


    acknowledged. 😥

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