
[Closed] Pallete needs internet connection

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  • #260688 Reply



    I used Matisse for the first time, but i discovered this feature:

    When I start eclipse and allow internet connection to s009.sjc.collab.net,

    pallete loads fine. If I don’t allow this connection(or work offline), pallete doesn’t load.

    Is there any possibility for Matisse to work fine without this internet connection?

    #260705 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you specify which version of MyEclipse you are using? (MyEclipse > INstallation Summary > Installation Details)

    We were aware of this bug (it’s actually the embedded XML parser that is trying to validate the XML file that contains the palette definitions that’s connecting to the web) and did work in the 5.0.1 release and the new M4M release to remove the online requirement.

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