
[Closed] PDE Plugin dependencies

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  • #258983 Reply

    Heinz Drews

    I would like to customize the PDE plugin dependencies.
    MyEclipse adds a lot of plugins I don’t want to have for my plugins e.g. Hibernate and Mozilla related.
    Some of them are exported when I use the export wizard which increases the size of the plugin installables significantly.

    Some of the imcluded plugins are even significantly backlevel.

    How can I get rid of these elements in the default plugin dependencies?


    #259052 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Your plugins shouldn’t have any dependencies on any MyEclipse dependencies unless you added them. You should be able to open the plugin.xml editor and on the Dependencies tab use “Find unused dependencies” to remove dependencies on MyEclipse plugins that you don’t use.

    #259056 Reply

    Heinz Drews


    it is not that easy. Each of my plungin projects has a library entry with a huge number of myeclipse plugins.
    This list is unmodifiable and is always on front of the plugins specified on the dependency tags. It containes e.g. all the Hibernate stuff including ehcache.

    #259057 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Are you referring to the “Plug-in Dependencies” library entry in the Package Explorer view? If so, that list is built from what is specified in the plugin.xml file. If you’re referring to something else, I’ll need a lot more detail to give you a remedy. For example, how did you create your plugin project? How did your plugin become dependent on MyEclipse in the first place?

    Additionally, if your plugin is supposed to require only plugins in the Eclipse SDK, you should tell the PDE that by setting the plugin list at Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform > Plug-ins to exclude all the MyEclipse plugins

    #259061 Reply

    Heinz Drews


    thanks that was the required hint.

    I have deselected all in prefrences and added stepwise the required.

    There are for some reason still the plugins for the Javascript debugger added.
    But that’s acceptable for now.


    #259598 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad it’s working (helping), let us know if you get the JavaScript plugins taken care of (maybe some stray dependency somewhere?)

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