
[Closed] Problems installing matisse4eclipse

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  • #273205 Reply


    OS: Ubuntu 7.04
    Eclipse SDK

    Version: 3.3.0
    Build id: I20070625-1500

    clean new installation with existing workspace.

    after starting eclipse a window pop up and wants me to add additional myeclipse features. only matisse4eclipse is available.

    but after clicking finish an error occurs ; “Requested operation cannot be performed because it would invalidate the current configuration. See details for more information.
    Matisse4MyEclipse Swing UI Designer (5.5.0) requires plug-in “com.genuitec.eclipse.core”.”

    please help me.

    #273532 Reply

    Loyal Water

    What version of MyEclipse are you using ? MyEclipse 6.0 is the version that is compatible with Eclipse 3.3.

    #273534 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    What version of MyEclipse are you using ? MyEclipse 6.0 is the version that is compatible with Eclipse 3.3.

    I use 5.5.1 GA.
    I’ve tried it with 3.2 but it did not work neither.

    I’ll try it again today evening. Maybe I’ve some troubles with the wrong versions.

    I’ll be back! 😉

    #273643 Reply


    ok. now i’ve installed eclipse 3.3 and myEclipse 6.0.
    it works perfectly.

    #273671 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad to know its working now. Thanks for letting me know…

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