- This topic has 12 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 9 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
yunkipaikMemberI am deploying to Tomcat 5.5.12 in exploded format.
Strangely, it now only deploys a few files under WebRoot/WEB-INF, largely ignoring WEB-INF/lib directory as well as
most tld files.
The deploy operation doesn’t complain, and report that it was successful.
Yet, the deployment did not work.Manual deployment out of the project directory to Tomcat works, however.
Any idea what’s going on?
Actually, this project used to work on another PC. I imported this project using eclipse import, and since then
it quit working…
yunkipaikMemberOnce manually deployed, the syncing works – any changes in the project get automatically sync’ed in the deployment
However, if I ever perform another deploy, it wipes out pretty much everything under WEB-INF as well as
most files above WEB-INF.
The deployment reports success, however.
I have removed the deployment action several times and added them back in MyEclipse to no avail.
stainbk2MemberI just hit this today as well. My situation is slightly different.
I have a web project and a java project which the web project depends on. The java project has several jars on its classpath, of which all are set to export to dependent projects (as the MyEclipse documentation specifies is required for a successful deployment).
When I deploy to Tomcat 5.5.16 from MyEclipse, the exploded war does not contain the jars from the java project in WEB-INF/lib. This was working this morning. I honestly don’t know what changed.
I’ve tried removing the deployment and recreating, but nothing has worked so far.
stainbk2MemberI should also add that the deployment to Tomcat from MyEclipse is no longer including any class files from the java project in WEB-INF/classes either.
ash@huntwork.netMemberI think i’m also having this problem. It appears that none of my classes are being deployed. This same project has worked perfectly for quite some time. there are no error messages. I’ve done a bunch of random things like removing web project capabilities and readding them, cleaning the project (which is built correctly; verified by looking in /bin), but no luck. Any ideas what I should do to track this down?
stainbk2MemberSame symtoms as yunkipaik: a co-worker of mine imported the web project and some java projects that it depends on into eclipse and used the deployment manager to deploy to Tomcat, but none of the classes from the java projects were deployed. On my PC, everything works fine.
Anyhow, the only workaround to my knowledge is what was mentioned previously…
1. stop Tomcat
2. remove your application’s directory from Tomcat’s “webapps” directory
3. manually deploy a war created from an Ant script (or other means) to the “webapps” directory
4. restart Tomcat from Eclipse… it should be sync’d at this point.
Jonathan RossMemberI’ll add a “me too” to this thread. Eclipse 3.1, MyEclipse 4.0.3, Tomcat 5.0.27. Can no longer do exploded deployment; no errors raised but nothing appears in WEB-INF/classes. Removing and redeploying does not help.
Jonathan RossMemberAre any of the support staff following this forum?
Riyad KallaMemberGuys sorry you are running into this. The behavior you are describing is indicative of the project being out of sync with the actual files on the file system. Try removing the deployment (make sure the app server is shut down), right click on the root, perform a Refresh, then recreate the deployment. If you are running an Ant script to generate portions of the project that is exactly what’s going on. You can turn on automatic refreshing by going to Window > Prefs > General > Workspace > “Refresh automatically”.
Also we have an issue filed to make the deployment tool more informative about this situation instead of just mauling your deployment, sorry about the confusion and trouble this is casuing.
Jonathan RossMemberThat was the first thing I tried. It doesn’t work.
I am now (apropos of nothing in particular) also getting this error when I try to start Tomcat: “A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Tomcat JDK name.”
I have verified it; the name is the same as my default installed JRE, which every other tool under Eclipse except the Tomcat 5 plugin has no issue with.
Riyad KallaMemberjonross,
You need to setup Tomcat to run with a JDK, not a JRE. This is most likely the issue.
Jonathan RossMemberHmm, I wonder how that happened; I have a J2EESDK as my JAVA_HOME. In any case it works now; thanks!!
Riyad KallaMemberGlad to hear it.