
[Closed] Unable to use Hibernate Mapping with Postgres

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  • #247652 Reply

    Kurt Olsen

    I just upgraded to 4.1GA and now I can’t generate a hibernate mapping for a postgres table. The first page of the wizard asks me to choose the Java src folder. So I browse and select the package I want (and have been using in previous version). The dialog won’t let me proceed however. I get a warning that say’s “Project has no source folder”. I promised the team I’d have a bug fix in by end of day today – and this glitch means it’s not going to happen due to the extra time I will have to take to create the artifacts (abstract, concrete, hbm).

    I wish I had the luxury of installing the upgrade to test it, but I don’t have the time. After upgrading, I’ve gotta get back to work!

    Any thoughts on the matter?

    #247653 Reply

    Kurt Olsen

    Oh, I also notice that after connecting to the database, then drilling down into a table – none of the columns etc. are visible. I have to right-click the table and select ‘refresh’ before I see the tble schema.

    #247658 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry for the hickup. Try and restart using the -clean command line argument, then go to your project properties and Java Build Path then Source tab. Do you have actual source folders listed at the top? You aren’t using the root of the project as the source folder are you?

    If that doesn’t work, please paste your MyEclipse > About > Configuration Summary contents here for me.

    #247660 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    The source folder issue was bug that has been fixed in 4.1.1. In 4.1GA, you have to make sure you have a source folder under your project root, the project root iself cannot be the source folder.

    About your database, could you give us details of the database you’re connecting to and the driver you’re using?
    Could you check your MyEclipse > Database Explorer preference page, and see if “Load all database metadata when connection established” is checked. If it is, please uncheck it.
    Unfortunately this was another bug that got into 4.1GA, but it has been fixed in 4.1.1.

    4.1.1 should be released today, you should be able to download that and get going.

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused, but the good news is that fixes to your issues will be available shortly.


    #247663 Reply

    Kurt Olsen

    Riyad and Brian – thanks for the quick responses. I’ll send you more details tomorrow, but one thing you mentioned sounds like a real troublesome issue for us. Our source folder IS the root of the project. And changing this structure is a non-trivial task now that our application is 5 years old. We’ve accumulated a LOT of code, docs, testfile, QA procedures etc. – I can’t do anything about this right now, as it would be a major interruption of the company workflow. So, please tell me that you can patch me up so that I can continue to use the hibernate mapping…..No, wait…maybe what I should do is just rollback and install the previous version. Well, I’ll try 4.1.1 if I can download it tomorrow. If not I’ll pretty much have to do a rollback so I can keep going at work. Isn’t software development fun sometime? – Hey, we’re all trying to do the best we can, I know that. Thanks for the help, and the hard work you folks have done.

    Feedback from the field:

    I use both Netbeans and MyEclipse – both have what might be called ‘preferences’ for certain ‘project’ directory structures. For example, you mention that it’s not good that our source folder is the root of the project.
    Netbeans would say it’s not good to have this or that in a particular location. It seems to me that it’s getting harder to share a project across development systems. It some instances it just about impossible. And that isn’t going to work in the long run. Wherever and whenever you can, adapt to the structure the developer wants to create – not one that the ide imposes. Wherever possible ‘ask’ the developer where something is. A directory, an ant target, whatever. I don’t mind teaching the dev system (as long as it remembers!) but I do mind being told what the ‘strongly suggested’ directory structure for something should be – in the long run wouldn’t it be better to let the humans fumble around for the perfect project structure for any given application they’re writing? – Thanks for listening, Kurt

    #247664 Reply

    Haris Peco


    Separate source folde rin eclipse is suggestion, only – If you have source in main project tree you can’t separate
    resource, libraries etc, but you project is normal eclipse project

    You can try with 4.1.1 now


    #247671 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We appreciate your feedback and compliments. 🙂 About asking users about how they want their project configured, we certainly try to do that upfront when it is viable for us. We are constantly moving towards making our tools more intuitive and configurable, you should notice usability enhancements every release.

    The source folder issue was a misdirected restriction, imposed due to some technical problems -it has been removed in 4.1.1 (which has been released now) and you can generate within your existing project structure.
    I’m sure you’ll appreciate the enhanced hibernate tooling the 4.1 series has to offer.

    Let us know if you need further assistance or have any other comments and suggestions.
    Best regards,

    #247730 Reply

    Kurt Olsen


    Ok, 4.1.1 solved the issues with hibernate mapping and db access. Outstanding, and thank you. I REALLY appreciate the speed with which you folks addressed the issue on the forum. Did I mention I REALLY appreciated the help?


    #247731 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Kurt glad to hear it, the DB team really threw a lot of effort into fixing long running issues in 4.1.1 I will let them know it paid off.

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