
[Closed] Update Manager Duplicate Conflicts

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  • #260574 Reply


    Sorry to be so obtuse. I’ve read some of the threads concerning “Duplicate Conflicts” but I don’t know how to proceed. During update I get 7 duplicates and a warning that “duplication conflicts that may cause parts of the product to be unusable.” The duplicates follow the form
    Graphical Editing Framework
    Version 3.2.0.v20060626 in /c:/Program Files/Dev/MyEclipse/MyEclipse5.0GA/eclipse
    Version 3.2.1.v20060921 in /c:/Program Files/Dev/Eclipse/Eclipse3.2.0/eclipse

    I get something similar for each of the following
    Eclipse Modeling Framework
    EMF Service Data Objects
    J2EE Standart Tools Project
    Java EMF Model
    Web Standard Tools Project
    XSD Schema Infoset Model

    Is it safe to continue? If not how do I perform an upgrade?

    Thanks for your help.

    #260577 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The reason for the duplicates is that MyEclipse is built ontop of WTP and WTP currently has a .1 release out that conflicts with what MyEclipse provides to your workbench. We will resolve this shortly with the 5.0.3 release. (Nov 6th), sorry for the trouble.

    #260801 Reply

    Jörg Zintel

    Hi, I get the same messages when I want to install a freemarker plugin.
    Does this mean I can’t just install other plugins or is there something we can do to avoid this.

    Thx & regards


    #260820 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    If the warnings are for different versions (3.2.0 and 3.2.1) for example, then to ensure full compatibility MyEclipse 5.0.3 will be needed. However, we really haven’t found many issues in the internal use of the new builds. So, I’d recommend simply ignoring the warnings and seeing if everything works well for you.

    If the warnings refer to the same version, just two instances of it, it just means that MyEclipse and Freemarker each ship the same piece of WTP so you have two in your installation. Eclipse will warn you and disambiguate it by simply loading one of them, which should work just fine.

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