
[Closed] Upgrade Struts

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  • #267545 Reply

    Ian McDermid

    I have an existing enterprise project that was built using struts 1.1 I would like o use some of the Struts 1.2 features in this app. How do I do this ? If I just copy the jars and try to cteate a new action, it says I must use struts 1.1

    Is there a way to remove struts and reapply through the myeclipse/add struts capabilities.

    Thanks Ian

    #267598 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    There’s no direct migration support between the two. However, since Struts 1.2 is backward compatible the easiest way to “get there” is to create a new web project that is configured for Struts 1.2 and then simply copying your current projects source code and other artifacts into the new project.

    #267654 Reply

    Ian McDermid

    Thank you. I was running into trouble with validation because I had a mix of 1.1 and 1.2 on Jboss.


    #272286 Reply

    Tim McLaughlin

    @support-scott wrote:


    There’s no direct migration support between the two. However, since Struts 1.2 is backward compatible the easiest way to “get there” is to create a new web project that is configured for Struts 1.2 and then simply copying your current projects source code and other artifacts into the new project.

    That’s the “easiest” way? My project is in SVN, so transferring everything to new project will require checking in every file in the project, right? Ick.

    Is there a “hard” way that would allow me to keep the same project and only update the files necessary to effect the switch from Struts 1.1 to 1.2?


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