
[Closed] Using XDoclet weblogic.EJBGen

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  • #258457 Reply


    We use weblogic.EJBgen in our EJB code to generate EJB artifacts.
    We donot use xdoclet.

    We recently purchased MyEclipseIDE and trying to convert our code to compile our projects.

    Our code is failing because it doesnot understand the EJBGen tags. Also EJBGen tags are usually not in comments like xdoclet

     * XDoclet-based session bean.  The class must be declared
     * public according to the EJB specification.
     * To generate the EJB related files to this EJB:
     *        - Add Standard EJB module to XDoclet project properties
     *        - Customize XDoclet configuration for your appserver
     *        - Run XDoclet
     * Below are the xdoclet-related tags needed for this EJB.
     * @ejb.bean name="CRMLdap"
     *           display-name="Name for CRMLdap"
     *           description="Description for CRMLdap"
     *           jndi-name="ejb/CRMLdap"
     *           type="Stateful"
     *           view-type="remote"

    EJBGen tags will be without comments like

    @JarSettings(ejbClientJar = "crmldap-client.jar")
    @JndiName(remote = "CRMLdap")
    @Session( transTimeoutSeconds = "1800",
             type = Session.SessionType.STATEFUL,
             defaultTransaction = Constants.TransactionAttribute.NEVER,
             ejbName = "CRMLdap",
             enableCallByReference = Constants.Bool.TRUE)

    Please let us know how we can make our code work in MyEclipse IDE. This is very critical for us.

    Thanks for your attention
    Kiran Rajapur

    #258563 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m assuming EJBGen uses annotations? In that case make sure your compiler compliance level is atleast set to JDK 5 or later for those to compile correctly.

    #259002 Reply


    Hi guy,

    I just discovered your post and maybe have a solution for you. Try this and see if it works (it should):

    /** @author mdiarra
    * @ejbgen:session
    * ejb-name = CRMLdap
    * type = stateless
    * trans-timeout-seconds = 1800
    * default-transaction = Never
    * enable-call-by-reference = True
    * @ejbgen:jndi-name remote = CRMLdap

    I use that with maven to build my ejbs targeted to be deployed on a weblogic server. Hope it will help you.

    best regards,


    #259599 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We appreciate you participating and helping other users.

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