
[Closed] Web Designer’s UI Palette only includes HTML

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  • #263280 Reply


    I can’t find the Struts-Basic,Struts-Form,JSF-Basic,JSF-Form after I add struts, JSF capibilities.

    #263310 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What is the name of the file you are opening? Does it have a .jsp extension?

    Also if you right-click on the file and go to Open With, what editor is marked as the default?

    #263357 Reply


    Thank for your response. I’m sure that I open with MyEclipse Visual Jsp Designer. And now it is worse than ever. I can’t open with MyEclipse Visual Jsp Designer. It shows me the error that “Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: Widget is disposed”.

    #263358 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This sounds like an installation problem at this point. I would strong encourage you to go to our download section, and download the Windows All-In-One installer.

    Run the installer and install to a brand new directory. Then run the new installation and point it at you existing workspace, you should be all set then.

    #263526 Reply


    Thank you. I’v solved by your direction. I download the all in one and re-install it in an another folder.It’s really installation problem.:)

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