
[Closed] Which script ME5.1 runs when starting WLS8.1?

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  • #271936 Reply


    Hi there

    I’m having configuration issues with ME5.1, MySQL 5.0 and WLS8.1. I created a domain server (mydomain) using WLS configuration wizard, and I also created a JDBC connection pool (MyJDBCConPool) and data source (MySQLDS_JNDI) using the same WLS wizard.

    I configured WLS 8.1 pointing to my domain server (mydomain) from ME5.1 according to your instructions posted here. I can start, deploy apps and stop the server (mydomain). However, I found some odd behaviors when I start the WLS8.1 from ME5.1. If I start the server (mydomain) from ME, I got error messages saying:
    <21-Jun-2007 4:57:10 o’clock PM EDT> <Error> <JDBC> <BEA-001150> <Connection Pool “MyJDBCConPool” deployment failed with the following error: Cannot load driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.>
    <21-Jun-2007 4:57:11 o’clock PM EDT> <Error> <JDBC> <BEA-001151> <Data Source “MySQLDataSource” deployment failed with the following error: DataSource(MySQLDS_JNDI) can’t be created with non-existent Pool (connection or multi) (MyJDBCConPool).>
    However, if I start the server with the start script, startWeblogic.cmd, from the domain server directory, i.e. c:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydoain, the server works fine without any errors. I’ve added the MySQL JDBC driver to the classpath in startWeblogic.cmd, so when I start from the script, it finds the JDBC driver and it works fine. But when I start the server from ME, I got load driver error. ME should run the same script, startWeblogic.cmd from the configured domain directory. Have I missed something here?

    Thanks for any help.

    #271952 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    <Connection Pool “MyJDBCConPool” deployment failed with the following error: Cannot load driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.>

    Stephen, MyEclipse launches the WebLogic process directly by calling the Class file that starts the server. What you need to do is go to Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > App Server > WebLogic > WebLogic 8.x > Paths and click “Add” next to “Append to Classpath” box and add your MySQL JDBC Driver JAR there and then restart WebLogic. You should be all set then.

    #271963 Reply


    Hi Riyad

    Thanks for your quick help. I re-configured WLS according to your instructions and it works OK now.

    Thanks again!

    #271967 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Very cool, glad it’s working.

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