
[Closed] Why "error creating configuration"

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  • #259649 Reply


    when I create class and *.hbm.xml through dabase
    “Hibernate Reverse Engineering…”
    when I finished all these works, i found “Open HQL Editor….” occur mistake like this

    A configuration object could not be built,autocomplete and dynamic query translation will be unavailable,Queries cannot be executed.
    Reason :
    Could not parse configuration :C:\documents and Settings\Administrator\workspace\HibernateDemo\src\hibernate.cfg.xml

    This example is from “http://myeclipseide.com/enterpriseworkbench/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.genuitec.myeclipse.doc/html/quickstarts/hibernate/index.html”


    #259654 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Could you please answer the following questions:

    1) Are you connected to the Internet when you open the HQL editor or press refresh in the in-editor toolbar? If not, could you try connecting and see if it works then? (This is an issue we are trying to track down right now & I would like to ascertain immediately whether you are facing the same issue)

    2) Could you please answer all the questions asked here: Posting Guidelines.
    I am especially interested in your error log. Instructions are in the above link. Without your log it will be difficult to track down whatever issue you’re experiencing.

    3) Do you have WTP or any other plugins installed? Have you changed your MyEclipse configuration in anyway?

    4) Are you using the sample HibernateDemo project as is or have you added any libraries and made changes? Is your Hibernate configuration file valid?

    5) Could you go here: Window>Preferences>MyEclipse>Editors>XML>XML Catalog and see if a
    -//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN entry is present? If you observe the Details Pane when you select this entry, you should get a file system URI – can you go to this location and check if the corresponding DTD file is OK? The file size should be 2547 bytes.


    #259667 Reply


    At first ,I thank you, my problem has beennresolved, the cause just likeWhat you have said ,unconection the Internet,thanks

    #259685 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I’m glad it’s working for you. However, internet connectivity should not be required while using the HQL editor and we are attempting to fix this issue now.
    Unfortunately we’re experiencing difficulty replicating it at our end, so if you have the time, could you still answer all the other questions as well?

    We appreciate your time,

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