
[Closed] XML Validation

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  • #238416 Reply

    Jeff Brown

    At the top of my project directory I have a doc\ directory and below that doc\ directory are several directory structures that contain lots of xml files. Many of these xml files have validation errors. The xml files need to be there but I never want to manipulate them or do anything at all with them in Eclipse. Since a lot of the xml there contains validation errors my “Problems” view is littered with a bunch of stuff I don’t care about, making the stuff I do care about easier to miss.

    How can I configure the environment to ignore everything under doc\?

    Thanks for your time.


    #238440 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Mark the doc dir as derived (under Properties), then right click > MYEclipse > Remove all Validation errors, and clean/rebuild the project, that should have worked, if not, you need to mark each file as dervied. Setting this property tells any/all of the validators “leave it alone, regardless of it’s condition”. The remove validation markers step is necessary because you aren’t re-validating the file in order to remove the markers, so you need to do it manually.

    #238473 Reply

    Jeff Brown

    Perfect. That did just what I needed.

    FYI… I did not need to mark each file as derived. Marking the folder did the trick.

    Thanks for the help.


    #238474 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad to hear it.

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