
Code completion does not work anymore

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  • #293529 Reply


    Ive reset all my preferences and my perspective and i made sure java files are opened in the java editor but code completion does not work anymore..
    anyone got any ideas what is the cause or how to resolve..
    i wonder if it has to do anything with my recent adobe flex builder 3 installation

    im using myeclipse 7

    regards Alex

    #293532 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Can you paste a sample java file here for me and point out the code that you are trying to complete in that file.

    Also, can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    #293614 Reply


    Hi thanks very much
    but i fixed the problem for some reason in preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced, some of the standard options in the list where not checked anymore so i resotered that to the defaults and then it worked again. Didnt know the restore defaults works per option tab and not for all the options (because i used the button before on the general tab)
    i also have no clue how those options lost there setting and where not checked.. i havent done it on purpose thats for sure.. thanks for your quick reply

    #293677 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Your welcome.

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