
Code not executinng under ios 6 – CLOSED

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  • #338395 Reply


    I have an application which loads multiple screens from a main menu
    I have two options , one of which displays an existing record and on which displays a new record
    The detail screen is called from tow seperate screens
    e.g. NewScreen -> Detail Screen
    ExistingScreen -> Detail Screen
    I am using the phoneui.prePageTransition = function(currentPageId,targetPageId) function to preporcess the data prior to displaying the details
    if ( targetPageId == ‘#m1-DetailScreen’) { <——–(1)
    if (currentPageId == ‘#m1-ExistingScreen’) {
    …… execute some code ………
    if (currentPageId == ‘#m1-NewScreen’) { <——-(2)
    …… execute some code ………
    what happens is that all the code executes under the development enviroment and iPhone 3GS
    The same code on iPhone5 iPhone4 and iPad will execute the first section but appears to skip the second code block (2)

    #338404 Reply


    I have embedded some error handing code and got the error

    Object HTMLOptionsCollection is not a function

    when calling
    var lCombo = document.getElementById(‘m1-NewDailyLog-hidden-select-cboTask’);
    var lIdx = lCombo.selectedIndex;

    #338422 Reply


    I’ve discussed about this case with the dev team and we have agreed that you may have a syntax error that prevents the code in your second block run. If you can share a small sample (just screens related and code in that blocks) we can take a look and provide feedback. If you want to keep the data in privacy send us a zip file to support at genuitec dot com, use title mobione data from abhall98

    #338445 Reply


    Thanks for that I eventually managed to isolate the problem after 3 days of debugging
    I was accessing the lCombo( lIdx) . value property
    This worked fine on the test center and on the 3GS but not on the iPad or iPhone 4 & 5
    Apparently using parentheses () is not supported
    changing to square brackets [] solved the problem

    Makes debugging a bitch

    Thanks for your help

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