
CodeAssist in new Version fails [Closed]

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  • #198074 Reply

    Hi Scott,

    Eclipse Platform Version: 2.1.1 Build id: 200306271545
    MyEclipse Version: 2.6.0 Build id: 200308191200
    JDK 1.3.1_06

    after i have updated to myeclipse 2.6 the CodeAssist for the Java/editor
    dosen´t work.

    I have deinstalled Version 2.6 and re-installed 2.5.1 and it works.
    MyEclipse Version: 2.5.1 Build id: 200307151200

    Whats wrong is this a Bug. 🙁

    kind regards


    But know i get always the error org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.CookieTei

    With the workaround that the base.dir name and the project have the same name it works. ❓

    #198081 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    after i have updated to myeclipse 2.6 the CodeAssist for the Java/editor dosen´t work.

    Well, I wasn’t able to reproduce any issue with the Java editor at all. However, I did find an example case within a Java snippet within our JSP editor where code completion did not return any recommendations. It seems quite intermittent and varies file to file and depends on how the file is formatted. However, I’ve isolated a test case and will submit it to our internal defect tracking system so it can be addressed in the next service release. Is this what you meant?

    But know i get always the error org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.CookieTei
    With the workaround that the base.dir name and the project have the same name it works. ❓

    Are you saying that your project is stored externally to the workspace in a directory whose name does not equal the project name? Or, are you saying that the web root directory needs to be the same as the project name?

    MyEclipse Support

    #198091 Reply

    No Operation

    As long there are JSP (not java) compiler errors, code completion is NOT working! Guess this is a JSP compiler error, caused by loading some taglib.


    #198095 Reply

    after i have updated to myeclipse 2.6 the CodeAssist for the Java/editor dosen´t work.

    the error ocurs with the java and the jsp editor

    error org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.CookieTei

    1. create a new Web-Project (myProject) with location c:/tmp
    2. add struts support
    3. add some JSP files
    4. save project
    5. added to cvs with modulename (NewProject)
    6. delete Project (myProject) in Package Explorer
    7. ceckout Project with modulename (NewProject) to c:/tmp
    8. import Project
    9. get the error : org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.CookieTei 😥
    10. open the c:/tmp/NewProject/.procect File with the vi
    11. change the name to from myProject to NewProject
    12. everthing works fine 😀

    kind regards


    if you need more details you are welcome

    #198098 Reply


    I’m researching this and I tried to replicate your scenario using the struts bean taglib as you indicate. Here’s what I do:

    0) Clean install of Eclipse 2.1.1 + MyEclipse 2.6.0

    1) Starting a web-project based on the Struts EL sample code I checkout the project from CVS. The project is named StrutsEL and checked out to /tmp/StrutsEL_BadBoy.

    2) After the checkout the project is in a directory with a name different than the project. I rebuild the JSPs and no errors appear.

    3) Open bean-cookie.jsp and code completion for “<bean-el: …” works. So does the Java code completion in src folder.

    One difference I noticed as I write this reply is that I’m using JDK1.4.2. I assume the folder naming problem is related the Support case you reported named “JSP compilation problem”? Also, I’m not sure why you have to revise the .project file.

    If there is any more info I that you can think of I would really appreciate it. What version of struts tag lib are you using?

    MyEclipse Support

    #198119 Reply

    After the checkout the project is in a directory with a name different than the project. I rebuild the JSPs and no errors appear.

    The error appears in verion 2.5.1. Build id: 200307151200.
    i curently dont`use 2.6 because the COSA Assit dosent work

    kind regards


    #198122 Reply


    There were several JSP compilation issues in 2.5.1 that were resolved in 2.6 including the project location and naming. The 2.6 intermittent JSP code completion problem that Scott discusses in this thread is being researched now. A resolution for it will be released as part of next month’s MyEclipse edition release or sooner as an intermediate maintenance update.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198128 Reply

    So what about my request that the CodeAssit in my 2.6 release
    don´t work.
    I have made a new Test.
    deinstall eclipse 2.11
    deinstall myeclipse 2.6
    deinstall jdk1.3.1_06

    install 2.11 of eclipse
    install 2.6 of myeclipse
    install jdk1.3.1_06

    The CodeAssist works

    Thanks for you support

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