
CodeGen template update for @ManyToOne – change to CascadeTy

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  • #325635 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    For all my @ManyToOne in the domain classes I want to change all the

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)


    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascaseType.ALL)

    But when I search for ManyToOne and related nothing comes up – where would this line be in templates?


    PS I am a bit worried there will be a few questions like this – I hope you dont mind, but I without documentation I cant find another option

    #325759 Reply


    The @ManyToOne is emitted from the <persistence:relationshipType select=”$relationship” /> tag in the DataType.jet. Unfortunately, I see no way to change the cascade type on that tag so you’ll have to use some conditional logic to have the template emit the code you want..

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