
columns4eclipse and MyEclipse

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  • #287740 Reply



    The once excellent columns4eclipse plug-in (http://columns4eclipse.sourceforge.net/) seems to have lost any active maintainers. In particular the last version of the plug-in broke Java 1.5 compatibility, and is not Eclipse 3.3.x compatible. A brave soul put out a 3.3.x compatible version (http://www.stehno.com/node/85), but it again was compiled for 1.6 only. I’m attempting to get a 1.5 compatible version out, and am also hoping to make it work with MyEclipse editors. This is where I’ve hit a snag.

    For the standard Eclipse editors, such as the Java editor and Text editor, the plugin works great. For MyEclipse editors such as the XML and properties editors, all actions in its “Columns” menu are disabled. There are no errors in the Eclipse error log that would appear to pertain. I’m a complete Eclipse Plug-in development n00b. My hope is that someone here might be able to jump start my troubleshooting for this issue. Is there something different about MyEclipse editors where the actions of a plug-in set to extend the standard Eclipse editors would be disabled? I know older versions of this plug-in used to work with older versions of Eclipse+MyEclipse.



    FYI, I am running Eclipse 3.3.3 and MyEclipse 6.5.0.

    #287768 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    We appreciate the time and effort you are taking to get this plugin working with MyEclipse. I think the snag you are hitting is that the MyEclipse editors are built ontop of the WTP editors, so you need to implement your changes to work with the SSE framework they are built ontop of, then you’ll snag MyEclipse and any other WTP-based IDE in that process.

    Hope that helps.

    #287784 Reply


    Thanks Riyad! That should get me started.

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