Thank you for trying CodeMix.
Can you please clarify if you want to turn off the DevStyle Startup Experience UI? If yes, then you can turn it off in the launch dialog itself. Please see the attached screenshot for your reference. Alternatively, you can also turn it off from the Window > Preferences > DevStyle page. Uncheck the ‘Use the Startup Experience’ box to turn it off.
If you are looking to change the workbench theme which you selected from the Startup Experience dialog, then you can go to the DevStyle > Color Themes preferences page and select a different Workbench theme. If you want to work with standard Eclipse themes and not with DevStyle themes, then go to General > Appearance preferences page and select a non DevStyle theme.
We ran a few tests to check the last run issue with the Run toolbar button but could not replicate the problem. Can you please click on the pull down button besides Run button and see if the last few runs are listed? If you can replicate the problem in a new workspace, then please share with us the exact sequence of steps you followed to help us investigate further. Also share with us the Eclipse version and build id details from Help > About Eclipse section.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Genuitec Support
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